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I am honored to take over as President of AFSTI – Mumbai Chapter for the year 2018-19 which has reached new height under the dynamic leadership of recent past presidents.
It is estimated that the food production in India is likely to grow two-fold in the next ten years,while the Food Processing Industry is likely to grow at 30-40% in next ten years. Hence the Food Processing Industry is called as Sunshine Industry.
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I am pleased to take over as President (2016-17) of this vibrant Chapter and me along with my dynamic team will serve the Food sector for next one year.The area of Food is very important for the development, prosperity and security of the country as more than 55% people are engaged in this sector (with… only 15% contribution to GDP). Read more “Dr. Prabodh Halde”

I am honored to take over as President of AFSTI – Mumbai Chapter for the year 2018-19 which has reached new height under the dynamic leadership of recent past presidents. It is estimated that the food production in India is likely to grow two-fold in the next ten years,while the Food Processing Industry is likely… 老王加速器app最新版下载_老王加速器安卓最新版下载_游戏窝:2021-4-24 · 游戏窝为您提供老王加速器最新版下载,《老王加速器最新版》中有着多样化的软件功能,占有的内存小,运行的速度非常的快,不会出现卡顿的现象,帮助用户更高的优化他伔的游戏运行,运行十分稳定,带给你全新的加速体验,点击一键加速你就能够轻松拥有飞一般的网速体验了。Read more “Nilesh Lele”

I would like to convey my sincere best wishes to new AFST Mumbai chapter committee for new initiatives and plan ahead. I was President of AFST Mumbai for two years and associated with AFST Mumbai from last 15 years. One thing in our AFST family is very unique which is unity and team work. The老王加速器最新版安卓下载 food processing industry is going through an interesting phase with companies venturing into novel food innovations while adopting advanced food science and technology. Read more “Dr. Uday Annapure”

Joining AFST Mumbai kept me abreast of new advances in regulations, technology and innovations in marketplace. AFST is a good way to stay current in the industry and stay connected with peers. The Mumbai chapter thrives because of the input and thought leadership of members, keeping the food science community connected and involved. Kudos to Team AFST… Mumbai! Read more “Subha Nishtala”

Association of Food Scientists & Technologists Mumbai chapter a professional body dedicated to the advancement of food science and technology has been serving the information needs of food professionals. They have been deriving strength from its members which seems to be growing remarkably. Most of the AFST(I)Mumbai chapter members are authority in food science and… technology and captains of the food industry, academia or are self made entrepreneurs. Under the active and energetic leadership of the LEC members, major activities have been taken up which is serving the student community very much. I am very proud for being a part of it as a LEC member and have seen this chapter grow leaps and bounds in terms of various activities that this chapter has initiated. All the very best and hope that Dr. Prabodh Halde will take it to yet another level. Read more “Mrs. Anuradha Shekhar”
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AFST(I) Mumbai chapter has grown by leaps and bounds in the last decade that I have been associated with it. It is a hotspot for path breaking career interactions amongst students, researchers, entrepreneurs and decision makers of the food industry. The organization has left no stone unturned when it comes to knowledge dissemination and promoting… research through various activities such as conferences, workshops, industrial visits and even sponsorship awards. Most members associated with this prestigious organization are forerunners in their professional capacities making the Mumbai chapter a highly active one. It is my pleasure to be associated with it and I hope to make some considerable contributions in the near future. Read more老王加速安卓下载
Dear Prabodh, You and your team has added new life to AFST (I) in general and and Mumbai chapter in particular. I am sure a day will come when AFST will become an influential organization and a force to reckon with in India and internationally. I wish a grand show in years to come. Congratulations… and best wishes. Read more “Dr. Dilip Kulkarni”